Stargazing with... Kim Morris


Everyone’s different.

That’s what sparks creativity, ideas and originality.

And that’s what makes NSC go ‘round.

So we want you to know a little more about our creative community at NSC, so we can celebrate our differences. Vive la différence!

Here’s Kim Morris, designer and print-maker extraordinaire, to tell us a bit more about what makes her tick:

Q. What topics will you be exploring for NSC?
I’ll be looking into typography, putting the spotlight on some of my favourite illustrators/designers and I’m keen to share some creative tutorials I’ve learnt along the way.

Q. If you weren’t a designer, what do you think you would do?
An athlete, probably a weightlifter! Or World’s Strongest Woman - I’d love to pull an aeroplane!

Q. When you hit a block or become unfocused, what inspires you to keep moving forward?
If I’m creatively blocked, I find that stepping away and doing something else really helps. I like to go for a walk or go to the gym; a lot of my good ideas have come about when I’m lifting heavy weights! Endorphins work wonders!

Q. If you could master any skill or ability in an instant (no superpowers), what would it be?
Dance! I have no rhythm whatsoever!

Q. What purchase has most improved your life?
My iPad, apple pencil and Procreate. Procreate has changed the way I design in so many ways, it’s made my creative processes far more efficient and has reignited my love to illustrate.

Q. What creative cliché do you hate, and which do you love?
I’m partial to spending a good part of my day procrastinating on Instagram and I’m pretty sure I’ve seen the majority of Insta-clichés out there, I’m definitely guilty of some of them. Ones I particularly ‘love’ to ‘hate’ are #handwithcampingmug #thegymselfie and #foodporn.

Q. If you could write a message on the moon for everyone to see, what would it be?
Be Kind.

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So that’s our 5 minutes’ stargazing with Kim Morris! For more info about Kim’s work, check out her Instagram and website.

Night Sky Creative

A digital marketing and branding agency for small businesses. SEO, copywriting, email marketing, social media, website audits, packaging design, brand design.

We help you and your business grow so you can shine brighter.


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