Bring on the Night


Reading time: 1 min

What makes a good brand?

Well, that’s a whole can of worms open, and they’ve gone everywhere.

We’re here to dissect, explore and, in less fluffy words, answer this question.

‘We’ are Night Sky Creative, a community founded by Dean O’Callaghan and Tassia Agatowski.

Having a strong, relevant, impactful brand can mean the difference between success and failure for a company, and with so many competitors in the world today, being the best of the best is a dream for so many.

That’s where we come in.

We help you grow the brand of your dreams, and put an end to your brand and marketing nightmares.


As much as we’d love to, Dean and I simply can’t know everything there is to know about building a brand (no matter how much we read), so we have spoken to our talented friends and colleagues, and created our own NSC family.

Everyone has their own skill-set and experiences that they want to share, so we figured that, in the 21st century, the best way to share these musings is to write a blog.

This blog.

All of us in the NSC family will be contributing writers, since we all have our own viewpoints and experiences to share.

Whether you want to learn more or need some more hands-on help with your brand, we have our blog and our community - ready when you are.

Our promise to you is that everything will be easy-to-understand - no frilly business jargon.

Some of you might be wondering where the name Night Sky Creative came from.

It stemmed from the idea that so many people starting businesses, or with busy workloads, don’t have time to work on building their brand, particularly during working hours.

Just like us - most of our creative community work full-time jobs, which means that everything we do for NSC is outside of the traditional 9-to-5.

So if you’re looking to read more about brand-building, creative marketing, photography, illustration, design, sourcing, anything that any of our NSC community specialises in, subscribe to our blog.

Don’t get left in the dark.

So what are your thoughts on what makes a good brand?

We know what we think (and we’re pretty sure we’re right), but we want to hear from you.

Hit up the comments, tell us what you really think.

Tassia O'Callaghan

Through creativity and determination, I make sure that every venture succeeds.

I am the voice of NSC, with my background in marketing, SEO, writing, and events management, and manage our social media, email, copywriting, and editing.

I also help keep it real at NSC with good old-fashioned, down-to-earth admin.

I'm an advocate for sustainability and equity through all walks of life, which I bring to everything I do at NSC.

I’m often found geeking out over my various Notion pages or belting out Kate Bush at karaoke!

Night Sky Creative: Identity Design


#booknotes : Bigger Than This