What Cause Creativity

Inspired by a random graphic I discovered on Pinterest.

What causes creativity?

When we struggle to be creativity, you probably start wondering what causes it.

Well, thanks to a post by creativesomething.net we now have an answer, an 8-part answer.

In the post, they outline that:
"Creativity requires a delicate balance of primarily these eight things. If you’re not feeling particularly creative, evaluate which of these might be off balance for you."

However, I believe there is something missing from this list - PROCESS.

There's a big myth in the creative world that process limits creativity, It doesn't - it only amplifies it.

As I explain in a blog article I wrote, How to Defeat Creative Block:
"Don't see the process as limiting, see it as liberating — liberating you from the pressure of conjuring creativity out of nothing."

So next time you struggle to get in that creative space...
Have a think about these 8 parts, and the secret weapon PROCESS, we which one you maybe unbalancing you.

Remember, creativity isn't something ethereal and elusive.
It can become as routine as brushing your teeth in the morning.

Let me know what you think in the comments below.

Night Sky Creative

A digital marketing and branding agency for small businesses. SEO, copywriting, email marketing, social media, website audits, packaging design, brand design.

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