Instagram Carousels - Martin Zarian

Inspired by an Instagram post created by @martin_zarian.

Want to get more focused?
Looking to understand why people buy?

Who doesn't want more of both of these things - right?

Thanks to Martin, we know have a couple of great answers.
If you're interested in the ideas of brand strategy, I highly recommend his feed.

Want to see how these notes were created?
Check out my process video…

That Simon Sinek quote:
"People don't buy what you do, they buy why you do it"

It's such a powerful mindset shift in business, branding and marketing - it's fundamental in building a loyal tribe around your company and products.

What's the biggest mindset shift you've had in your career?
Let me know in the comments below...

Mine was from Blair Enns book Win Without Pitching Manifesto:
"Diagnose the problem, before you prescribe the solution"

Completely changed the way I approach and process to my design work. I even have it on a little post-it, taped to my work computer, so I never forget it.

Interested in making your own IG to nudenotes transformation?
Check out my blog article about just that. A foolproof 4-step process.

Night Sky Creative

A digital marketing and branding agency for small businesses. SEO, copywriting, email marketing, social media, website audits, packaging design, brand design.

We help you and your business grow so you can shine brighter.


Colour Psychology in Design


Fragrant Chicken Laksa