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How to Give and Receive Design Critique Well

Inspired by an article by Andrew Wilshere on

Do you hate getting your work critiqued?

I think we all do, right?

I was so pleased to have stumbled across a blog article a few months back.

I’ve been wanting to write my own blog article on the subject for ages, this week I finally did, collaborating with fellow NSC co-founder, Tassia Agatowski.

The main reason we loathe critique as creatives is because often, it’s done wrong!

It's not just the critics’ fault either.

As creatives, we are often guilty of being too attached to our work, which makes any critique seem personal.

As Chris Do from The Futur says, "Be passionate while creating and detached in the critique... Be passionately detached from your work".

Critiques should objective and constructive — in our blog article, 'The Power of Critique', we discuss some best practices, benefits of doing it right and how to embrace criticism.

You can read the full blog post here.