How to Build Atomic Habits

Inspired by James Clear’s book Atomic Habits, which I discovered through @getbetterwithbooks Instagram feed.

Want to have better habits?
Want some Atomic Habits?

Habits account for about 40 percent of our behaviours on any given day.
-Duke's University Study.

So knowing how to develop good and strong habits can be the key to a happy and healthy life, all day, every day.

Now, I have to admit, I haven't actually read @jamesclear's book Atomic Habits (yet).
But it's on my reading list - I feel I've read and heard so much about this book, I already know what's between the covers.

I'm a lover of all things process and anything to that makes more efficient and effective - sign me up!!

Shout out to @getbetterwithbooks who 'Cliff Notes' style IG post inspired this spread of nudenotes.

Being a designer the principle of the Power of Tiny Gains really resonates with me, small tweaks and developments over time - constant improvement a goal for any designer, always reaching for that better end product.

And of course the legendary Jim Rohn has a quote for this kind of thinking:
"Success is a few simple disciplines, practised every day; while failure is simply a few errors in judgment, repeated every day."

What new atomic habits would you like to develop?
Let me know in the comments below.

For me, it has to be more reading time!
My ever-growing reading list isn't going to read itself. Hahaaa.

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