Creative Strategy and the Business of Design, Part 21
Do You Struggle Presenting Your Creative Work?
I don’t know about you, but I genuinely find it interesting to work across both business and creative barriers.
As Douglas says, "gone are the days of creativity for creativity's sake" - and I definitely agree!
Ideas only have true value in business when they have measurable outcomes which provide a solution to a business problem.
As I mentioned earlier, metrics are everything.
You can’t know what success is unless you have a quantifiable metric to measure it.
Presenting creative work too often relies on subjective language, but by folding the language of business into to your presentation, you can re-frame the critique in a presentation from subjective to objective.
This empowers you to better justify your creative decisions.
Solving problems through design is what I love to do, and I realise now that solving the problem is the easy part.
Presenting that solution in a clear and concise way, so that the work does all the convincing - that's the tricky part.
I know that the lessons learned in these nudenotes will help improve my ability to do just that.
Buy Creative Strategy and the Business of Design here.