booknotes: Creative Strategy and the Business of Design, Part 10

Copywriting Tips and Introducing the Creative Strategy Framework

The start of a creative project can seem very chaotic - insights, facts and research flying all over the place.

It can be overwhelming, leaving you feeling disorganised, inefficient, panicked and tense.

This also features the introduction of the Creative Strategy Framework it can be used to organise your all your information and enable you to pull out strategic threads to inspire new concepts.

This is done by adopting the three step process of quantity, quality and pull strategic threads.

Neil Feinstein’s copywriting tips help to craft the copy you will use to populate the Creative Strategy Framework to ensure concise and compelling results that will guide the following creative process:

1) Read what you wrote out loud.

2) Watch the rhythm, and vary your sentence length.

3) Tell them something new, not what they already know.

4) Always answer the question ‘why should I care?’.

5) Focus on the benefits.

6) Imply urgency.

7) Touch their hearts and minds.

8) Tell them what you want them to do.

9) Make them feel.

10) Write like a person, not a professor.

11) Edit. Edit. Edit.

As Hemingway said:
“The first draft of anything is shit.”

Buy Creative Strategy and the Business of Design here.

Night Sky Creative

A digital marketing and branding agency for small businesses. SEO, copywriting, email marketing, social media, website audits, packaging design, brand design.

We help you and your business grow so you can shine brighter.


booknotes: Creative Strategy and the Business of Design, Part 11


booknotes: Creative Strategy and the Business of Design, Part 9