Think Before You Speak

Inspired by an infographic created by The Coaching Tools Company.

Do you T.H.I.N.K before you speak?

T.H.I.N.K is a framework originally created to help people be kinder online. But it really applies to all communications - no matter who it is friends, colleagues, family or even strangers.

Before you speak do you think about:
Is it True?
Is it Helpful?
Is it Inspiring?
Is it Necessary?
Is it Kind?

These regularly thinking about these 5 questions in everyday conversations will help reframe your mindset to a more positive and inspiring one which will filter out into all your communications.

Reframing your mindset take time and constant practice to perfect - over time it will just become second nature to interact in this way.

It's overwhelming to do them all at once and will defiantly put an awkward pause in your regular conversations, so focus on introducing one at a time so your don't end up sounding like a robot.

Night Sky Creative

A digital marketing and branding agency for small businesses. SEO, copywriting, email marketing, social media, website audits, packaging design, brand design.

We help you and your business grow so you can shine brighter.


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