The Five Practices & The Ten Commandments of Exemplary Leadership

From the book The Leadership Challenge by James M. Kouzes and Barry Z. Posner, which I discovered through an article from Thought Leadership.

I love learning about leadership — I find the whole topic fascinating.

Since making these nudenotes, I’ve tried where ever possible to weave these into my daily work as a designer.

It is amazing how much leadership skills are needed to navigate even the smallest of design projects.

Leadership skills are like building muscles — you need to be constantly and consistently training to keep them in good working condition.

Expect to see more leadership nudenotes in the future.


Key takeaway:
Be inclusive, improve always, raise others and live passionately…

Not sure I can say it any better than that, really!

Night Sky Creative

A digital marketing and branding agency for small businesses. SEO, copywriting, email marketing, social media, website audits, packaging design, brand design.

We help you and your business grow so you can shine brighter.


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