Night Sky Creative

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Sh*t Your Ego Says

Inspired by an Pinterest post created by James McCrae, Sh*t Your Ego Says

Who do you listen to more, your ego or your spirit?

It's been nearly a year since I first discovered this little list on Pinterest, and I still haven't read this book. It's definitely going on my Christmas list.

Reframing your situation like this can dramatically change the way you approach it.

I have been thinking more and more about this recently after listening to Errol Gerson on The Futur’s Podcast , his life mantra of:

"If you change the way you look at things, the things you look at change".

I can't even count the amount of times I have said:

"F.A.I.L. is just First. Attempt. In. Learning.”

These reframing techniques are super important to keep a positive mindset when you're deep in the fog of a development process.