inspired by Emilie Wapnik’s Ted Talk and Tanmay Vora’s Blog Article.
A multipotentialite is someone with many interests and creative pursuits.
As soon as I read those words, I realised: that’s me!
I’m sure there are many other creatives that feel the same, but this goes against my instinct to niche-down my content.
Luckily for me, I’ve discovered a balance of niching-down in my 9-to-5 and keep exploring ideas and creative pursuits through my nudenotes.
Key takeaway:
Innovation happens at the intersections.
The best thing about having many creative interests and pursuits is that you’re able to make more connections — you can see more intersections and overlaps in the world.
These are the connections where ideas are born.
It’s great to have a deep skill or understanding, but you still need a broad knowledge of many areas to enrich and empower your deeper skill.