Deiter Rams’ 10 Principles of Good Design.

Inspired by Deiter Rams’ 10 Principles of Good Design.

What makes a good design?

I suppose it all comes down to how you quantify 'good' - it means different things to different people.

In the late 1970s, Dieter Rams put together '10 Principles of Good Design'. Every designer worth their salt knows these 10 principles, they are the design equivalent of the biblical commandments.

It's fair to say these principles are pretty timeless, over 50 years later and they're still excellent guiding principles for any category of design.
Want to know more about these principles or Dieter Rams himself check out the Vitsoe website, and the awesome documentary Rams by Gary Hustwit.

There is a great bit in the documentary where Dieter Rams is over seeing a new exhibition of his work and takes a stroll around the rest of the exhibition which showcases some of the most famous and well known pieces of industrial design.

Dieter goes on to deliver some amazing and honestly brutal critiques of their work based on these 10 principles he holds so dear.

It's definitely worth a watch!

Night Sky Creative

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