16 Components of a Killer Brand Strategy

Inspired by an infographic created by @innerdrive.co.uk.

What makes a killer Brand Strategy?
I've been asking myself this a lot recently, working on a lot of branding projects during my 9-5 and this set of #nudenotes have been a great guide to creating something awesome.
A brand isn't just a logo, or a set of colours it's more about the way it makes you feel in your bones.
Yes, all those elements help build that feeling but it's NOT the most important thing.
They are the egg shell, not the yoke!
Shout out to @redwebsitedesign how's infographic inspired these nudenotes.
For those who struggle reading my nudenotes here's the complete list:
1. Competitive Analysis.
2. The Why.
3. Brand Architecture.
4. Creative Elements.
5. Postion.
6. Promise.
7. Reasons to Believe.
8. Market Opportunity.
9. Consumer Insights.
10. Key Messages.
11. Character.
12. Personality.
13. 3-Year Road Map
14. Barriers to Success.
15. Consumer Profiles
16. Brand Expressions.
Now, not every brand needs all these elements, but when all these components come together its a beautiful thing.
What's your killer brand strategy hit list?
Let me know in the comments below.

Want to turn your favourite infographics into nudenotes?
Check out my blog, which outlines my easy 4-step process to get the best results.

Night Sky Creative

A digital marketing and branding agency for small businesses. SEO, copywriting, email marketing, social media, website audits, packaging design, brand design.

We help you and your business grow so you can shine brighter.



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